I don't consider myself to be old. However, there are sometimes moments in my life that happen when I am forced to reference something from my childhood, thus making it seem as though this was a lifetime ago. This morning was one of those times.
I was taking the oldest of the three kids that I take care of to the dentist's office for an orthodontist appointment, and as we near the entrance she looks at me shocked and says: "Oh, you knew this is where it was."
Me, thinking that she was amazed by my skills in directions (which I actually completely lack) and impressed that I didn't need her to tell me where the dentist was, replied: "Yup... this is the same place where I used to come to get my teeth cleaned when I was a kid."
Amazed she looked at me and replied: "Oh... this place has been around THAT long!" And then she went into denial over the fact that this is how I knew the way to her dentist.
I looked at her and said: "What do you mean this place has been around for THAT long? You make it seem like I am ANCIENT!"
Her response... a devilish smirk and then laughter. Gee thanks... I am NOT that old!
It's ok. One of my kids asked me in all seriousness if we had tv growing up.
If you're old, what does that make me?!
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