Lately several of my local radio stations have decided to play this song on heavy rotation, thus leaving me slightly confused.
I don't really mind too much the fact that this song has suddenly reemerged on the radio because, although I am totally embarrassed to admit it, I actually enjoy this song (I am pretty sure I even have it on a mix CD somewhere). However, this song is just not popular anymore, in fact I think it is about 5 or 6 years old at this point. So I am just really confused why all of a sudden this one random song is being played ALL the time. Did I miss the memo that said this song is the new "it" song all over again. I mean I am sure there are some people out there who have never heard it before and when they do they think "oh this is a fun new song!", but for me I hear it and think this:

Far too many lonnnnngg nights at Chi Psi... dancing... like an idiot (as pictured above!). And oddly many of these nights ending with me walking home in my wonderful friend's (and housemate at the time) shoes, because after all night dancing she just couldn't bear to walk back to our house in her high heels. Since I would usually wear sensible shoes like flip flops, it just somehow always seemed like a "great" idea to trade shoes with her in order to get us home. Let me also just mention the fact that her shoes were only about three sizes too small for me. Yet at the time it really did seem like the best thing to do. Yes... sometimes I am a genius!
I never understood why anyone wore heels to frats. But then again- I kind of cringe when I remember how many times I wore flip flops to a frat and then eventually went to bed without washing my feet. Ew....
Oh I was the exact same way... I would wake up the next morning, look at my black feet and think OH GOD HOW GROSS, then I would go out that night and do it all over again! On the rare occasions when I actually did remember to wash my feet before bed it always turned into a huge messy situation.
hahahaha! YES! And because it was college, and quarters were a rare commodity, my sheets really didn't get washed enough either. I think of all the things to regret from college, I'm most ashamed of my frat-feet and sheets issues.
Exactly!!! Oh I was awful at the sheet cleaning (I did actually have 2 sets though, so this helped slightly, but then in the end I would be stuck washing 2 sets of sheets which was even more of a chore than 1 set)! I am going to have to some how work this "issue" into a full fledged post... so stay tuned! ;)
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