So I have decided to start my journey into blogging the same way I like to start my journey into a new day... with a nice cup of coffee!

While I greatly enjoy drinking coffee, I am not a huge fan of making it (nor am I very good at making it), and so I would much rather simply go out and buy my morning cup. However, this tends to eat up quite a considerable amount of pocket change. Then one day I met the Keurig brewer, like the one pictured above, and my coffee drinking life was changed for the better! My brewer allows me to make one steaming hot cup of yummy delicious coffee whenever I may want it. It's so easy I can even do it when I first wake up, and am half asleep, as there is no need to measure anything. All I have to do is choose what flavor I am in the mood for (and there are plenty of K-Cup flavors for you to pick from), place my cup in the proper location, and hit one little button. There is no left over coffee to go to waste like there is when you are forced to make a whole pot in a regular machine, and everyone can have the flavor and strength of coffee they like. Perfection in a cup! I now find myself with a little more money in my pocket... and a much bigger coffee addiction. Oh well... at least it's yummy coffee I am drinking.
Thank you mummy for buying the Keurig coffee maker. You're too good to me.
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