So even though I haven't blogged in forever, it doesn't mean that I don't LOVE to blog! Lately things have just gotten so crazy with the kiddos, and summer (which by the way means wedding season), and life, and I have just felt like I haven't had the time to devote to this blog that I would like. So, even though this blog is on hiatus... I've still got other projects in mind (and currently in the works!). And, since nannying is my gig, and blogging is a joy of mine, the newest blogging baby has been born! I'm co-writing a new blog with a college buddy of mine, Molly (because she too is an awesome nanny!). And, since kids often times say the most ridiculous things, we thought we'd pool all of our funny stories from the summer together in one place! Hence the birth of... Camp Nanny!
Blabblings on some of the things that make me happy, annoyed, or any of the other numerous emotions out there.
Things That Make Me Happy: Blogging Edition
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Posted by Vic at 8:35 PM 1 comments
Stories That Make Me Laugh: Jean Edition
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
This story is far too amusing to keep to myself... so even though it is highly embarrassing, I have been feeling the need to share it with anyone who will listen (or in this case read)! Yesterday I had the day off due to the fact that the kiddos are on vacation, and so I made a late afternoon trip to the grocery store. Since I was meeting up with my best friend for dinner that night I decided I would put on one of my nice pairs of jeans. All was good... or so I thought... and so off I headed to the grocery store. About half way through my shopping I started noticing this odd feeling on the back of my leg. It felt as though there was something wet on my pants that had soaked through to my leg. Very casually I brushed off the back of my thigh yet I could feel no wet spot. This cycle of me feeling like my leg was wet, followed by me attempting to "brush it off" with no luck, went on for about fifteen more minutes. Finally I gave up, payed for my groceries, and headed home. Once at home I parked outside and started to unload the groceries. All of a sudden my leg felt extremely cold, and it was then that I discovered what the "wet" spot was on my pants. Turns out there was a huge... and I mean HUGE (see the above picture)... hole on the seat of my jeans. Apparently I had been walking around the entire grocery store like this... with my underwear exposed to the world.
Posted by Vic at 10:02 PM 1 comments
Labels: story
Things That I Find Interesting: 25 Things Edition
Thursday, February 5, 2009
As if Facebook wasn't addicting enough, the recent craze of the "25 Random Things" survey has made it even more of a black hole. I can honestly say that I love reading these things. I don't usually participate in these sorts of surveys, even though I get great joy out of reading them, but I thought this time I would give it a try. The concept behind this survey was easy enough, and everyone else's answers were so varied, informative, and enjoyable, that I thought I would throw some of my random fun facts out there too! I am utterly surprised at how quickly this survey has taken over our lives. Suddenly I find myself getting tagged left and right, and it is almost a game to see who will fill out the survey next. Every time I sign onto Facebook I get excited to see what new silly facts I can learn about my friends. As I stared at a blank page, 25 things seemed daunting to me at first. I really wanted to think of random facts that most people wouldn't know about me, and this seemed almost impossible. However, once I got started I kept thinking of more and more, and by the end I was sort of sad the survey was over. So here you go... 10 more for you to enjoy!
Posted by Vic at 11:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: interesting, website
Things That Make Me Happy: CSI Miami Marathon Edition
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Posted by Vic at 9:52 PM 0 comments
Things That Make Me Happy: Super Mario Brothers Edition
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Posted by Vic at 9:31 PM 2 comments
Labels: happy, video game
Stories That Make Me Laugh: Speeding Ticket Edition
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
So this story doesn't actually make me laugh (due to the fact that in the end I had to shell out a fair amount of money), however, I suppose there is a bit of humor in it. At the end of my sophomore year of college I had intended to spend the last few days casually packing, and hanging out with my roommates. That all changed though when I got a call from my mom asking me to come home a day early. Our dog at the time was sick and had taken a turn for the worse. My mom was afraid we were going to have to put him to sleep, and she didn't want to go to the vet alone. After I hung up the phone I quickly packed up my stuff and threw it all into my car. Even though I was in a huge rush, I still managed to squeeze in a few moments to relax with my bestest buds, and chit chat before needing to say goodbye. Now as a side not I should probably add into this story the fact in that I tend to drive a little on the fast side (and that this is well known amongst all of my friends). So while we were chit chatting one of my friends, knowing I was anxious to get home quickly, happened to bring up my amazing speeding skills, and commented on the fact that she found it crazy that I had never gotten a speeding ticket. I sort of chuckled, gave my friends all big hugs, and hopped in the car to drive the three and a half hours home. By the time I actually made it on the road it was dark and nearing towards the end of the night. There were barely any other cars on the road, and I was making great time home until... Mr. Policeman decided to pull me over. It was an unenjoyable experience that ended with me receiving my first (and thank goodness so far my only) speeding ticket, and these words of wisdom from Mr. Policeman in a rather stern voice "didn't you notice that when you were passing all the other cars that they were STANDING STILL!" Ugh. I called my mom in tears and slowly continued my journey home. By the time I got home it was well past midnight and I was exhausted... so much so that I accidently left my ticket on the kitchen table (and at this point I hadn't exactly made it known just how fast I was going). The next morning the truth came out in a funny turn of events. I won't come out and say exactly how fast I was going... but I will set it up for you as a sort of word problem below, should you be tempted to do the math.
Posted by Vic at 9:35 PM 2 comments
Stories That Make Me Laugh: Chicago Dining Edition
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Posted by Vic at 6:41 PM 1 comments
Labels: story
Things That Make Me Happy: Mr. Jones Edition
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
This morning in the car I heard this song three times (on three different radio stations). I was lucky enough to hear it in its entirety each time too. Mr. Jones is one of my absolute all time favorite songs, so I got pretty excited. Since it's an older song it isn't really played on the radio that much anymore, and when I do hear it on the radio I seem to only catch the very end of it. Because of this, it seemed a bit odd to me this morning that I would get so lucky as to hear this great song like I did... so I decided to take it as a sign of good things to come!
Posted by Vic at 8:58 PM 0 comments
Things That Make Me Annoyed: Rebranding Edition
So I have been meaning to write this post for days now, but I kept distracting myself... with things like cocktails and computer games and stalking the Amazon website to track the status of my recently purchased new toy (a black Nintendo DS - which I am just a little too excited about, and unfortunately all of my checking and rechecking of the website is not speeding up it's arrival... go figure!). So I apologize that I have not posted in so long. Anyways... Happy New Year everyone! I know personally I am really really glad that 2008 is over (I'll just say it wasn't exactly my best year ever), although I am feeling a little more anxious then usual because I have hopes that 2009 will be a really really good year (and I am a tad nervous about implementing some new changes in order to make this happen). Which brings me to this post.

Posted by Vic at 12:44 PM 4 comments
Labels: annoyed